
fra and seb perfroming yoga together


It’s so wonderful to be present and bask in presence. To be in the moment, focused on one thing. Everything else melts away and you become yourself. Titles, names and positions matter no more and you realise they never did. Holding We tend to hold importance over the meaningless and disregard the importance of the self. All stress and worry come from identifying with the finite. We say that life has a way of placing things before us, we can choose to be burdened by such things or allow freedom to flow into our lives by action and choice. Acceptance No matter where you are or where you have ended up, all you can do is accept it and make action/choices based on your best intentions. Living in balance isn’t always easy, though it needn’t be hard either. The way you look at things will determine their effect on you. Awareness Bringing awareness to each day will guide you down a path of knowledge and truth. There is no better guide than yourself, no truer guru than the one residing within you. Choice How many choices have been made because of the body and our attachment to it? Can you imagine a world where we all understood the impermanence of the physical. How would our world look? Who could rule over such fleeting things? Knowledge All we need do is look upon the library shelves and witness the countless pages filled with guidance from guru to teacher, from disciple to the “uneducated”. These books are filled with experiences of the individual, shared to the masses with one hope. A hope that we as a species, as an intelligent life form, will realise the truth of all things. Systems So much is already in place. There are systems and governments, rules and regulations that it seems the wise are mere ants scurrying around trying to paint the bugger picture. The systems are in place to keep us imprisoned, to make us believe that there is freedom in 25 days of holiday a year, pride in earning a living through backbreaking, soul destroying work. We have been a race of workers, thieves and power hungry few that believe in a dream painted by others. What is freedom? Freedom does not come when you are 65, when you are at an age where the mind and body and become crippled by disregarded and disrespect of the Anamaya Kosha (physical sheath). The very system you’ve worked for and believed in no longer wants you. What use are the old but a drain on funds, I’ve heard people say. Many ancient tribes held their elders in great esteem, this is because they had the wisdom to see, the time to reflect and analyse life. The future Slowly we turn into an age of computers without realising that these computer will elleviate the years of back breaking work and give humanity another chance to relish in the beauty of the world. Why can’t food be free and accommodation be affordable for all? What stops this happening? With more and more advancements this dream can become more of a reality. The only problem is that we’ve become so accustomed to a lie, to the belief of working for a living, that the very idea of being free from work, to just simply be is daunting. Humanity would go insane if we removed all distraction and simply foraged for food and slept underneath the stars. We see ourselves more advanced the the monkeys and mammals that live in the wild, yet they eat healthier than we do and have less ailments and little diseases. Advancements Our advancements are only trapping us. This is not to encourage loss of hope. This is a moment to realise the truth behind everything and see the beauty in self destruction. For many of us, to simply sit back and enjoy the ride is ignorance enough. For others action maybe taken. Both paths are filled with friction. Presence is key in these moments to gain an understanding of all things. We always had and did have a choice. Stay in a cold climate and complain about the weather, continue to use equipment that warms the climate, then complain about the heat. Eat processed packaged food, then be surprised when you’re on pills for this or that. We all know the truth, we only choose to believe in the lie.

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Where did Ghingo come from?

The nickname Ghingo developed over a few years. A lot of couples/friends/family members have nicknames for each other and ours started with Pi. Over the years our relationship developed and so did the nicknames. The nicknames went through various changes and we finally stuck with Ghingo. We have decided that this nickname is fitting for someone who is on the path toward truth. Someone who is seeking to live a balanced life and only speaks of things they themselves have experienced is a Ghingo. Essentially, if you’ve ever watched The Matrix, it’s someone who has taken the red pill and is becoming aware of the craziness of life and the way that society is run in an almost ignorant way. We seek truth in all of its aspects. The truth sets you free. Knowledge isn’t always truth. It is a good practice to view both sides of the story/information, because a lot of what we’re told nowadays is just hearsay. We are both teachers and we only teach what we know or have experienced for ourselves. Doing otherwise would pose a risk of danger, especially when teaching circus and yoga. We love to meet other people and although we sometimes meet other people who we would class as Ghingos, its always really interesting to meet people who live completely opposite lives to us. Meeting others gives us a chance to learn and grow, an opportunity to adapt and understand new things. Do you have a nickname that means something to you? Share it in the comment section below. Thanks for reading. Love and light always.

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